Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Woman to be evicted from home for using solar panels

Robin Speronis

Go Off The Grid & Lose Your Home
  • Florida woman is forced by the Big Brother Police State to use city utilities instead of her private solar panels and rainwater.
  • Follow the money.  Calls for "environmentalism" and Green Energy are as phony as a $3 bill.  The city went ape-shit because they were not getting money from Robin Speronis every month for their monopoly utility system.

(Update - ‘Pure evil’: City caps sewer of woman fighting to live ‘off the grid’.  (Yahoo News)

A Florida woman who has been living “off the grid” for more than a year will be forced to partially plug in or face consequences from the city, a special magistrate ruled last week.

In December, Robin Speronis became engaged in a dispute with the city of Cape Coral for her refusal to use modern amenities such as running water and electricity. A code enforcement officer at the time visited her home and deemed it as “uninhabitable property,” reports The Blaze.

“I was exercising my First Amendment rights of free speech in discussing living off the grid,” Speronis said in December.

In addition, her alternative source of energy must be approved by the city. The city contends that using rainwater and solar energy violates the International Property Maintenance Code. 

Translation - You need the permission of Big Brother to use the sun and rain that God gave us all.

Woman Living Off Grid Being Kicked Out of Her Home

The legal system, however, did not agree with her assessment of the situation on Thursday.

The magistrate ruled she was guilty of not being hooked up to a proper water supply, WBBH-TV reported. She was acquitted, however, of not having a proper sewer and electrical system.

“I’m choosing to live without being dependent on the system,” Speronis said.

She now has a month to comply and make the changes deemed necessary by the city, though vowed she won’t do it, WBBH-TV reported.

For her part, Speronis said she does not intend to hook up to the city’s water system, vowing to appeal the Magistrate’s ruling.

“I know how to live off the grid completely and in a sanitary way,” Speronis said in response to the city’s action, according to The News-Press. “That’s what seven months living in the woods taught me. I do have an alternative toilet from my days of living in the woods,” reports RT News.

The Cape Coral resident said she will dispose of waste just as dog owners do for pets. She also plans to collect wastewater in containers for use in her garden.

Speronis already collects rainwater for bathing and other uses, all while generating electricity with solar panels.

“I don’t have to justify my life. They have to. That’s the way our system of justice works. They have justify it. I don’t” Speronis said.

Ms. Speronis dares to collect rainwater for bathing and other uses, all
while generating electricity with solar panels without asking
for permission from Big Brother.

Robin Speronis' rain water collection barrels. (WFTX)

America is dead and buried.
It used to be the God given right of an American to put up a simple home on his own land and live his life.  But that is no more.  Now Big Brother dictates to you what type of toilet to use, what kind of windows to put in and what type of heating you will be allowed to use.  Big Government has dramatically driven up the cost of home ownership.

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