Putting the Fun Back in Fundamentalism
Legoland has been hired out to a radical Muslim
cleric for a ‘Family Fun Day’
By Richard Littlejohn
UK Daily Mail
Legoland has been hired out to a radical Muslim cleric for a ‘Family Fun Day’. Maybe that’s ‘Fun’ as in ‘Fundamentalism’.
The theme park in Windsor, Berkshire, has accepted a booking from a man said to be among the top 25 hate preachers in Britain.
Haitham al-Haddad leads the Muslim Research and Development Foundation, which is based in Tower Hamlets, and is in favour of turning this country into a Sharia state.
Al-Haddad is an enthusiastic supporter of Taliban policies, believes that Jews are ‘descended from apes and pigs’, homosexuals are criminals and those who leave Islam should be killed.
Usama Hasan, of the moderate, anti- terrorism think tank, the Quilliam Foundation, said: ‘Like all extreme Islamists, he uses fascist language about non-Muslims and refuses to sit at the same table as women.'
Al-Haddad’s repugnant views are as abhorrent to mainstream Muslims as they are to the rest of us and have led to him being banned from a number of universities.
But not, apparently, Legoland. On March 9, a convoy of coaches will set off from the East London Mosque in Whitechapel for a day of ‘Halal entertainment’.
Read more: UK Daily Mail.
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