Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Ukrainian People Get First Looks At Opulent Residence Of President, Even Includes A Private Zoo

Uninvited - The unwashed masses visit the palace of their Master.

"Corruptus in Extremis"
While the people live in poverty the corrupt
Ruling Elite live in extreme wealth.

We’ve heard a lot about how protesters were upset with President Yanukovych’s choice to align with Russia rather than the EU. But there also was a lot of upset with regard to the perceived corruption in the Yanukovych administration.

His residence was not even made public until today. Now it has been occupied by the protesters who want to preserve it as a “Monument Of Corruption”.

Ukraine: Protesters flood Yanukovych's residential home
Thousands of protesters flocking Ukrainian President Yaunukovych's Mezhgorye residence in the outskirts of Kiev on Saturday found sparse security and an empty house.

The home has been open since 11:00 CET to journalists, with sightseers and protesters welcomed from 13:00 CET onwards. Long queues of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the house fill the grounds.

Yaunukovych's house is being guarded by protesters to prevent the demolition of the building and gardens.

Here are some of the pictures from the residence and grounds:

Thanks to Weasel Zippers

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