Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

"Bullied" Lesbian couple wants more welfare

£53,000-a-year in Welfare
Despite no prospects for work the lesbian couple wanted another baby and persuaded a
male friend to donate the sperm they needed for artificial insemination at home.

(UK Daily Star)  -  Civil partners Lisa and Carrie-Ann Beaney currently live in a single B&B room with their four children, and claim that they are too stressed to work because of homophobic bullying.

Lisa, 30, quit her job in McDonald's after just three months because it made her too anxious, while Carrie-Ann, 23, has never worked at all.

And due to tough new benefit cap rules their housing payments were slashed and the pair were evicted from their £850-a-month rented home.

However, their £608-a-week B&B room is paid for by the taxpayer, and makes up a £53,000-a-year benefits handout on top of income support and child benefit.

The pair now want want the council to give them a bigger house for their brood.

They argue they would be able to work if they weren't bullied about their sexuality - and afford a house themselves.

Lisa said: “It does feel like we were persecuted against because of our sexuality and I think the council needs to show us some sympathy.

“They guaranteed us that they would be able to find us a house as soon as we were out of the private house, but we are still here.

“The best they’ve come up with is privately rented property but we wouldn’t be able to afford it and the same thing would happen again.

The couple, from Ashford, Kent, have also posted YouTube clips of them happily dancing in the home where they claim they were made miserable by abuse.

Lisa already had son Devon, seven, and Carrie-Ann had son Dillon, eight, from their previous heterosexual relationships.

Despite no prospects for work they wanted another baby and persuaded a male friend to donate the sperm they needed for artificial insemination at home.

They both fell pregnant at the same time and last year Lisa gave birth to Tommy, now 16 months and partner Carrie-Ann had daughter Calise, now 14 months.

Furiously Sucking on the Public Teat
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.  And the teat suckers of society have endless "needs" that must be funded by those who work for a living.

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