Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Chris Christie's story does not pass the smell test

Bullshit Alert!
Something smells in this Chris Christie bridge story.

I knew William Howard Taft.  Taft was a friend of mine.  Governor, you're no William Howard Taft.

Sure Democrats are out to get Christie, but that is not my point.

Christie has repeatedly denied having ordered the closing of two of three local access lanes from Fort Lee, N.J., to the bridge, which is one of the busiest in the world. The closing froze traffic for four days.

We here in California look down on tiny eastern states like New Jersey.  Yes I said TINY.  We have counties in California that are larger than many states. 

For example, for years I lived in Kern County which is nearly identical in size to New Jersey.

  • 8,721  Square Miles  -  New Jersey
  • 8,161  Square Miles  -  Kern County, California

A huge traffic jam in Kern would have been major big time news with government officials going ape-shit to clean up the mess. 

To me a four day closure by state of New Jersey officials of one of the busiest bridges in the world and no action by the Governor does not pass the smell test.

I smell Bullshit.

Kern County, California

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