Senin, 04 November 2013

Why do Conservatives support the Police State?

Charles Krauthammer - "Edward Snowden is a traitor."
Many people who claim to be small government 
"Conservatives" close ranks to vigorously defend the
unconstitutional 1984 Surveillance State. 

Two times this last week I got so so God Damned pissed that I turned Fox News off.  The first time was when Charles Krauthhammer called Edward Snowden a traitor.  The second time was when several so-called "Conservatives" on The Five parroted the same line.

That is one reason I call myself a Constitutional Federalist and not a Conservative.

On one hand, Conservatives claim they are "outraged" by the Big Government loving Comrade Obama.  Then on the other hand, a majority of Conservatives and Liberals work hand-in-hand to grow and fund the Police State.  The Constitution has no meaning to them at all. 

Now we have Edward Snowden saying that calls for more oversight of government intelligence agencies showed he was justified.

In "A Manifesto for the Truth" published in German news magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday, Snowden said current debates about mass surveillance in many countries showed his revelations were helping to bring about change.

"Instead of causing damage, the usefulness of the new public knowledge for society is now clear because reforms to politics, supervision and laws are being suggested," the 30-year-old ex-CIA employee and NSA contractor wrote reports Reuters News.

 "Citizens have to fight against the suppression of information about affairs of essential importance for the public. Those who speak the truth are not committing a crime," said Snowden.

"We have a moral duty to ensure that our laws and values limit surveillance programs and protect human rights," he wrote.  

Snowden is in Russia, where he has been given asylum for at least a year.

In an open letter to Germany last week, Snowden said he was counting on international support to stop Washington's 'persecution' of him.

His revelations about the reach and methods of the NSA, including the monitoring of vast volumes of Internet traffic and phone records, have angered U.S. allies from Germany to Brazil.

Admirers have called Snowden a human rights champion. Others say he is a traitor for stealing information from the NSA after vowing to respect its secrecy policies and then fleeing first to Hong Kong and then to Russia with classified U.S. data.

In the manifesto published on Sunday, Snowden said mass surveillance was a global problem that needed global solutions and added that secret services' "criminal surveillance programs" jeopardized individual privacy, freedom of opinion and open societies.

The existence of spying technology should not determine politics, he said: "We have a moral duty to ensure that our laws and values limit surveillance programs and protect human rights".

A Sad Day for Democracy.
It fell to an authoritarian Russia to grant political asylum to whistleblower Edward Snowden (above document).  While Snowden hides from his own government, the Western nations build massive Big Brother systems to spy on hundreds of millions of their own citizens 24 hours a day. 
If you dare to tell the truth you become an Enemy of the State.  

The Delaware Regiment at the Battle of Long Island
Do "Conservatives" know our history?
Before the Declaration of Independence, George Washington commanded his 10,000 men to aim their guns and fire at the soldiers of the legal government of America.  Washington, Adams and Hamilton understood that just because a corrupt government passes a law that does not make it right.
But today we see so-called a majority of "small government" Conservatives joining with most Liberals to ignore the Bill of Rights in order to grow, protect and fund a centralized Police State.
(Battle of Long Island)    


1984 is Here.
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." 
  - - - Robert A. Heinlein

See some our recent articles on the growing and unconstitutional 1984 Police State.
THE FEDERALIST - "Senate Backs More and Expanded Big Brother Spying."

THE FEDERALIST - "Does Google work for the NSA?"
THE FEDERALIST - "Obama is ‘Mining’ Your Behavior on Social Media."

THE FEDERALIST - "CIA Software Company Collects Obamacare Data."

THE FEDERALIST - "Electronically Tracking America's Breast Implants - Big Brother is in Your Bra."

THE FEDERALIST - "A Twitter-Fed alliance to spy on "depressed" people."

THE FEDERALIST - "China hires two million Internet "monitors"

THE FEDERALIST - "Religious Persecution at Lackland Air Force Base - The Thought Police are Here"

THE FEDERALIST - "The NSA hacks circle the wagons to defend unconstitutional spying"

THE FEDERALIST - "DHS to scan every face at local hockey game"

THE FEDERALIST - "Obama to scan 42 Billion credit card transactions"

THE FEDERALIST - "Government Satellites to Control Your Car's Speed"

THE FEDERALIST - "DEA has been spying on your phones since 1987"

THE FEDERALIST - "Governments spy on 38,000 Facebook users"

THE FEDERALIST - "New Zealand Conservatives ram 1984 bill through"

THE FEDERALIST - "DHS installs spy scanners at shopping malls"

THE FEDERALIST - "Trash cans gather your Smartphone info"

THE FEDERALIST - "Big Brother shuts down encrypted Internet service"

THE FEDERALIST - "Secret Service to spy on Facebook, Twitter"

THE FEDERALIST - "The FBI listens to you through your computer"

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks
were striking thirteen.”
George Orwell,

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