Senin, 11 November 2013

Happy Veteran's Day

General George Washington crossing of the Delaware River to attack Trenton. 
Future President James Monroe is holding the American flag.

Ben Franklin was wrong.

Franklin said, "The only things certain in life are death and taxes."   He should have added war to the list.

Human beings somehow manage to invent ever more creative ways to slaughter their fellow man.  As for the politicians . . . well, let's save them for another day.

Today let us honor the men and women who answered the call to serve their nation.  To stand a midnight watch in some God forsaken hellhole half a world away.  To charge into the face of the enemy.

God Bless them all.  Happy Veteran's Day.

Ballad of the Green Mountain Boys
We owe no allegiance, we bow to no throne,
Our ruler is law and the law is our own;
Our leaders themselves are our own fellow-men,
Who can handle the sword and the scythe and the pen
Hurrah for Vermont! For the land that we till
Must have sons to defend her from valley and hill
Our vow is recorded--our banner unfurled,
In the name of Vermont we defy all the world!
Then cheer, cheer, the green mountaineer, then cheer, cheer the green mountaineer

Commodore Oliver Perry at the Battle of Lake Erie.

Mexican-American War
A leg amputation in a military hospital after the Battle of Cerro
Gordo, April 18, 1847.

General John Wool and his staff after the capture of the city of Saltillo in
early 1847. The troops marched 900 miles across the desert from
San Antonio, then linked up with General Zachary Taylor's forces to
fight the Battle of Buena Vista.

A Colorized Civil War photo.

Union Brig. Gen. David McMurtrie Gregg stands with the senior
staff of his Federal Second Cavalry Division, possibly near Fredericksburg, Va.,
in June 1862—in color. Colorized from a glass-plate negative.
This photograph by Andrew Gardner, originally Brady's apprentice,
depicts the staff of Brigadier General Andrew Porter in 1862.
George Custer (of the Battle of Little Bighorn fame) is
shown reclining next to a dog on the right.

Read more: www.Business

Marching Through Georgia  
So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train,
Sixty miles in latitude, three hundred to the main;
Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain
While we were marching through Georgia.
Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marching through Georgia.

"Rough Riders" Garryowen

Lafayette, we are here!”

Over There
Music by George M. Cohan, Sung by Billy Murray

The 1st Marine Regiment on Guadalcanal.

American paratroopers, Utah Beach, June 6th, 1944.


Gulf War

Iraq War


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