Selasa, 19 November 2013

Louie Gohmert - Obamacare's “Secret Security Force”

Rep. Louie Gohmert
Obamacare could create an armed “secret security force”.

During an appearance on the Janet Mefferd Show, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that a provision within Obamacare could create an armed “secret security force”.

Referring to a section of the gargantuan Obamacare law which discusses “the president’s own commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps,” Gohmert drew attention to the notion that under the pretext of a “national emergency,” such individuals could be used to impose some form of medical martial law reports Infowars News.
Under the Affordable Care Act, the Ready Reserve Corps is directed to “assist full-time Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.”
“It says it is for international health crises, but then it doesn’t include the word ‘health’ when it talks about national emergencies,” said Gohmert.
“I’ve asked, what kind of training are they getting….I want to know are they using weapons to train, or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” asked the Congressman, adding that “no clear answers” had been forthcoming on the issue.”
Combined with the continued DHS arms build up along with the federal agency’s hiring of armed guards with “Top Secret” security clearances, Gohmert characterized the issue as “very disturbing”.
Accusing the Department of Homeland Security of being wasteful, Gohmert said the DHS’ commitment to purchase over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition was concerning because many of the bullets are hollow point rounds which are not traditionally used for target practice.
“I’ve asked Homeland Security what is the reason for that,” said Gohmert, adding that their response “made no sense” but that he would continue to push for an explanation in Congress.
“Some kind of secret security force is something the United States is never supposed to have….but until we get enough members of Congress stirred up over the things I’ve been preaching about then we’re not likely to get answers,” said Gohmert, adding that the only way to get the DHS to properly respond would be to start cutting funding.
Congressman Exposes DHS Buildup for CIVIL UNREST
During an appearance on the Janet Mefferd Show, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that a provision within Obamacare could create an armed “secret security force”.

Police State Too Much? Send in a Marine!
Testimony at the Concord City Council public hearing regarding the acquisition of a BearCat, the "Homeland Security" grant-subsidized armored attack truck.  There was this little gem from retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino.

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is
hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against
the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well,
but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."

Daniel Webster
New Hampshire Congressman, U.S. Senator
Federalist Party

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