Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Nicole Murphy in Hawaii

The news is rather depressing.  So here is something to lift your spirits.
She offloaded Eddie Murphy, but she's about to wed football star Michael Strahan.
Perhaps the latter reason is why Nicole Murphy is in such incredible physical shape, as was proven when she showed off her spectacular bikini body on the sandy shores of Maui, Hawaii, on Sunday.
The leggy 46-year-old was clearly best in show as she filmed scenes for her VH1 reality series Hollywood Exes - a nod to Eddie - in a miniscule bikini.

Shanna Moakler showed off her enthusiasm with Nicole.

Thanks to Daily Mail

Police Cover Up Its NSA-Style, Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking

All those in favor of a police state raise your right hand.

The Growing Police State
 A bi-partisan Big Brother is spying on you
at every level of government.

Florida police used a cell phone tracking device at least 200 times without a warrant because they conspired with the device manufacturer to keep its use a secret, according to the ACLU.

Through a recent motion for public access, the ACLU determined that at least one Florida police department never told judges about its use of the cell phone tracking device, known as a “stingray,” because the department signed a non-disclosure agreement with the stingray’s manufacturer to keep its use from being publicly known reports Infowars News.

The manufacturer, which the ACLU said was likely a Florida-based company, also retained ownership of its stingrays and only let the department borrow them, further aiding in its secrecy.
The stingray cell tracking device works by
mimicking a real cell phone tower,
tricking phones into connecting to it.
(Credit: Jovianeye / Wiki)

The stingray, also called a “cell tower simulator,” determines the location of a targeted cell phone by impersonating a cell tower, which tricks the targeted phone – and non-targeted cell phones in the same range – into transmitting its precise location and phone records to the stingray.

“When in use, stingrays sweep up information about innocent people and criminal suspects alike,” Nathan Freed Wessler, an ACLU attorney, reported.

The ACLU learned about the department’s use of the stingray through an ongoing court case entitled Florida v. Thomas, in which police used the device to track a stolen cell phone to the suspect’s apartment.

After forcing their way inside the apartment, the police conducted a search of the residence, found the stolen phone and arrested the suspect.

Yet the police never obtained a warrant for the search or for its use of the stingray.

“This was apparently because they had signed a non-disclosure agreement with the company that gave them the device,” Wessler wrote. “The police seem to have interpreted the agreement to bar them even from revealing their use of stingrays to judges, who we usually rely on to provide oversight of police investigations.”

“Potentially unconstitutional government surveillance on this scale should not remain hidden from the public just because a private corporation desires secrecy,” he added. “And it certainly should not be concealed from judges.”

And, according to the ACLU, other police departments are also using stingrays secretly in the same fashion, joining an ever growing list of government entities infringing upon the Fourth Amendment.

So the ACLU and ACLU of Florida have teamed up to break through the veil of secrecy surrounding stingray use by law enforcement in the Sunshine State, last week filing a motion for public access to sealed records in state court, and submitting public records requests to nearly 30 police and sheriffs’ departments across Florida seeking information about their acquisition and use of stingrays (examples here and here).

Cops Use Mobile Scanner To Steal Cellphone Data

RNC Deliberately Insults Sarah Palin

Are Republicans Idiots?
  • The Republican National Committee goes out of their way to insult Governor Sarah Palin.  Who runs this clown operation?

What the Fuck?  -  The Republican National Committee released a statement over the weekend commemorating Women’s History Month that served as little more than a slap in the face to Sarah Palin.

Equal opportunity was the theme RNC chair Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day drew upon as they highlighted Republican women seen as trailblazers, but omitted any reference to the party’s first female vice presidential nominee.

“Republican women have a history of being trailblazers, breaking ground and glass ceilings — from Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to be elected to both the House and the Senate, to the nation’s first Latina governor, Susana Martinez of New Mexico and the country’s youngest sitting governor, Nikki Haley of South Carolina,” the statement read reports Bizpac Review.

Incredibly, Palin played a key role in 2010 election of Martinez and Haley.

As Breitbart News reported, RealClearPolitics reporter Scott Conroy wrote that both women were the beneficiary of the “single most powerful weapon upstart Republican candidates could hope for that year: the endorsement of Sarah Palin.”

Fox News’ Todd Starnes posted a link to the RNC statement on his Facebook wall, along with this comment:

The Republican Party omits Sarah Palin from list of prominent Republican women.

And they wonder why they keep losing elections. Clueless.

“Palin’s omission is conspicuous and bizarre,” Breitbart News’ Tony Lee wrote, adding that “the RNC does not want to be associated with the movement that propelled the party to its only win in the last four election cycles.”

Clueless indeed.

What the Hell is the GOP?
Fuck the RNC for insulting Palin.  But more important, what the Hell is the Republican National Committee?  Rank and file party members do not have a vote in electing its membership.  The entire outfit is one giant corrupt oligarchy that represents powerful Washington D.C. special interest groups.
Here in California it is the same thing - the state GOP is a corrupt, un-elected and appointed oligarchy.  The GOP demands party "loyalty" for their candidates, but Republican voters are denied the right to attend a convention and elect the leadership of their own party.
Since I have no right to vote for the leadership of my party I reserve the right to piss on the statist GOP in this Blog. - - - - Editor

Confiscation - .22 Caliber Rifles are “Assault Firearms” say Dems

Goose-Stepping into the Future
  • New Jersey Democrats try to pass bill that would ban most .22 caliber rifles as “Assault Firearms” with no grandfather clause or amnesty period.
  • Leads to gun confiscation

The Washington Times reports that New Jersey has become ground zero this year for legislative battles over gun control.

The Brady Campaign ranked the state third in the nation for most restrictive firearms laws, yet anti-gun Democrats who control the legislature are determined to go all the way to gun bans and confiscation.

The New Jersey Assembly’s Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum magazine capacity from 15 to 10.

Since the legislation covers both detachable and fixed magazines, it has the effect of to banning popular, low-caliber rifles.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs gave the draft legislation to top firearms experts in the country to determine what guns would fall under the expanded ban.

They discovered that the bill would affect tube-fed, semi-automatic rifles because the magazine cannot be separated from the gun.

Thus, the experts found that at least 43 common rifles would suddenly be considered a prohibited “assault firearm,” such as the .22 caliber Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66 and Winchester 190.

Just having one such gun would turn a law-abiding owner into a felon overnight.

Possession of an “assault firearm” is a second-degree crime in New Jersey. The penalty is up to 10 years in jail and a mandatory minimum sentence of three to five years, with no chance of parole.
“This bill is a gun ban, there’s no question about that,” Scott Bach, the executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, told me in an interview.

“If it becomes law, it would have zero impact on crime because criminals don’t follow bans. It would only affect legal gun owners by essentially tying their hands when they need to defend their lives.”

Even worse, the bill has no grandfather clause and no amnesty period. So as soon as this legislation becomes law, everyone in possession of these rifles is automatically a felon and the guns are subject to seizure by the government.

See more at the Washington Times.

Italians Goose Step for Hitler

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Ukraine - "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies."

"Liars, Whores and Thieves Oh My"
  • Somehow Russians are "evil" for being in the Ukraine.  But Caesar Obama was "pure and good" when he conducted an unconstitutional war against a peaceful Libya.

noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
  1. 1.
    the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
    synonyms:dissimulation, false virtue, cant, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity.

By Gary;

The chest beating over the "evil" Russians and the Ukraine by the "Chattering Class" is in hyper-drive. 

Heaven forbid that Russia should have any interest at all over an area that was part of their nation for centuries and is filled with millions of Russian speakers.  Oh the horror!

What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Personally I will sleep good tonight no matter which flag flies over the Crimea.

But the Government-Media complex tells us that somehow Russia is not allowed to use her military.  But is was OK for both the Democrats and Republicans to eagerly urge on Caesar Obama's unconstitutional war against Libya. . . . a nation that had not attacked the United States.

We have reached the Bullshit Zone folks, and you are being played for a fool.

I have Blogged on the many, many times.  But I it appears Americans are that fucking stupid.

I guess I am living in some weird alternate dimension that deals in truth and facts.  Meanwhile 90% of Americans are obsessed with their toy phones, Tweets and the latest episode of the Slut Housewives of Jersey.

Hillary Clinton on killing Gaddafi
"We came, we saw, he died."

It is "good" when America attacks.
But it is somehow "bad" when Russia does it.

Udall's Senate Seat Comes into Play

Cory Gardner and Mark Udall

The Playing Field Just Widened
  • Udall has been averaging only 43% to 45% in polls.
  • Gardner has about $1 million already in his House coffers that he can transfer to a Senate campaign.

DENVER — Republican Rep. Cory Gardner formally kicked off his Senate campaign on Saturday by tying his challenge to Democratic Senator Mark Udall to the GOP’s efforts to reverse its decade-long slide in this key political bellwether state.

“In 2008, Colorado led the nation in change,” Gardner said, alluding to the election of Udall and the nomination of Barack Obama for president during the Democratic National Convention in Denver. “In 2014, we can change it again.”

Gardner, 39, represents his party’s best shot at breaking a 10-year drought in topline races here. Republicans have not won a single presidential, U.S. Senate or gubernatorial election in Colorado since 2004 because of their trouble appealing to women, young people and Hispanics — factors that have hobbled the GOP nationwide.

In an indication of the Republican enthusiasm around Gardner, he spoke to a crowd of more than 100 supporters who had braved white-out conditions and subzero temperatures.

He was joined on the stage by Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck and state Rep. Amy Stephens, both of whom had been competing for the GOP nomination to challenge Udall until Gardner entered the race last week, leading them to drop out and endorse him. State Sen. Owen J. Hill remains in the race.

Buck narrowly lost to Democratic Sen Michael Bennet in 2010, and many Republicans feared he was too gaffe-prone to beat Udall. “Cory is more disciplined than I am, let’s be honest,” Buck said in an interview. He is now competing for Gardner’s congressional seat.

Gardner slammed Udall for voting to approve Obama’s health-care overhaul, raise taxes and “infringe Second Amendment Rights.” He said he will run on economic development, responsible energy production, a clean environment and education.

Read more: Washington


John Kerry is shocked that Russians can be mean

Retard Alert!
  • Our retarded Comrade Secretary of State Kerry is in shock that Russia is acting in a "19th century fashion" by invading the Ukraine.
  • Kerry does not appear to understand that his own nation (the U.S.) regularly acts in a 19th century fashion.  The United States has recently invaded or attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and we are arming Islamists in Syria.
  • Kerry should be drug tested.  He is either on something or is a total retard.

(Editor's Note - Based on the fruitcakes running America I have decided to dig my end of the world mountain cave a few feet deeper.)

Secretary of State John Kerry complained on Sunday's edition of NBC News' Meet the Press that Vladimir Putin was playing by "19th century" rules, not 21st century norms, in his invasion of the Ukranian region of Crimea. 

Insisting that "President Putin is not operating from a place of strength here," Kerry lashed out:

"You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text, It is serious in terms of sort of the modern manner with which nations are going to resolve problems. There are all kinds of other options still available to Russia. There still are. President Obama wants to emphasize to the Russians that there are a right set of choices that can still be made to address any concerns they have about Crimea, about their citizens, but you don’t choose to invade a country in order to do that."

Meet the Press host David Gregory pressed Kerry about why the Obama administration did not acknowledge that Russia had invaded the Ukraine on Friday. Kerry did not answer, seemingly incredulous that Russia had ignored contemporary norms.

The trouble is that a "19 century" invasion is still more potent than a 21st century debate. Kerry dodged questions about military options, noting that NATO had issued a "strong statement."

(Breitbart News)

George Carlin on Stupid People
George must have known John Kerry.