Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Computerizing People - Big Brother's New Assault on Privacy

"I like microchips inserted in my body."
Both government and businesses are working furiously to
track your movements with microchip technology. 

(News Herald)  -  It’s likely the world in the not-so-distant future will be increasingly populated by computerized people like Amal Graafstra.

The 37-year-old doesn’t need a key or password to get into his car, home or computer. He’s programmed them to unlock at the mere wave of his hands, which are implanted with radio frequency identification tags. The rice-size gadgets work so well, the Seattle resident says, he’s sold similar ones to more than 500 customers through his company Dangerous Things.

The move to outfit people with electronic devices that can be swallowed, implanted in their bodies or attached to their skin via “smart tattoos” could revolutionize health care and change the way people interact with devices and one another.

Critics call the trend intrusive, even sacrilegious. But others say it ultimately will make life better for everybody. Some researchers and executives envision a day when devices placed in people will enable them to control computers, prosthetic devices and many other things solely with their thoughts.

Implants in Your Hands
This X-ray depicts the hands of Amal Graafstra, founder of Dangerous Things. He has had
two radio frequency identifier implants in his hands which he uses to unlock his
car, computer and door to his Seattle home.

Implantable technology proponent Amal Graafstra of Seattle demonstrates how one of
the doors to his home can be unlocked by passing either of his hands past a sensor which
reads the signal from an implanted RFID chip.

“In the next 10 to 20 years we will see rapid development in bioengineered and man-machine interfaces,” predicted Graafstra, who wrote a book about the technology, adding that the trend is going to “push the boundaries of what it means to be human.”

In a patent application made public in November, Google’s Motorola Mobility branch proposed an “electronic skin tattoo” for the throat — with a built-in microphone, battery and wireless transceiver — that would let someone operate other devices via voice commands.

An early Big Government
tracking system.
Holocaust survivor Sol Lurie shows his
Nazi Concentration Camp tattoo.

UC Berkeley researchers, in a scholarly paper published in July, proposed implanting people’s brains with thousands of tiny sensors they called “neural dust.”

Last year, Proteus Digital Health of Redwood City won approval to sell a pill that relays information about a person’s vital signs via a mobile phone to their doctor. And officials at Santa Clara-based Intel envision their microchips one day in devices ingested or implanted for medical and other uses.

Some fear implants might become mandatory for health insurance or jobs.

After learning about a Cincinnati video surveillance firm that required employees to have a chip inserted in them, California Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, introduced a bill that became law in 2008 forbidding anyone in this state from making similar demands.

One tattoo being developed by MC10 of Cambridge, Mass., would temporarily attach to the skin like an adhesive bandage and wirelessly transmit the wearer’s vital signs to a phone or other device.

The company, which has a contract for a military version, plans to introduce one next year for consumers, according to MC10 official Barry Ives Jr., who touted its use for “athletes, expectant and new moms, and the elderly.”

Texas Students Treated Like Cattle with
Mandatory RFID Tags
Students and parents at two San Antonio schools are in revolt over a program that forces kids to wear RFID tracking name tags which are used to pinpoint their location on campus as well as outside school premises.

Now Big Brother is micro-chipping school children to track their
every movement both on and off campus.
See our article Government microchips school children - 1984 is Here

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