Democrat Rep. Edwin Vargas (Far Left) at an Obama Event in 2008. (Picture from |
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Democrats and union hacks have no fear of
attending a Communist event.
A Democrat State Representative, a former Democrat State Senator and a local Union President walked into a public high school in Connecticut to receive a Communist award.
Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke right?
I only wish it was…
According to an article on the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) News, People’s World, in December of 2013 a Communist award ceremony was held in a New Haven Connecticut public high school auditorium where the Democrat State Rep, Former Democrat State Senator and the local Union President all received awards:
NEW HAVEN, CONN. — From the opening video and drumming to the remarks of the awardees, songs, youth slide show and finale, an atmosphere of unity and optimism inspired the entire multi-racial audience at the 2013 People’s World Amistad Awards, held in the auditorium of Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School.
Taking off from the event’s theme of “Marching On for Jobs, Freedom & Peace,” a thread throughout the afternoon was solidarity with nurses and tech caregivers at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in New London who had been locked out the night before.
In his closing remarks Rev. Scott Marks brought the crowd to its feet as he called for door-to-door organizing that will “move forward” the fight for jobs and other needs. “I will not go back!” he exclaimed passionately.
Marks and all the awardees praised the vision and work of the Communist Party in their communities. The event was held on the occasion of the CPUSA’s 94th anniversary.
Former state Senator Ed Gomes, a steelworker, state representative Edwin Vargas, a teacher, and Laurie Kennington, president of Local 34 clerical and technical workers at Yale all accepted large framed posters of the Amistad statue that stands in front of New Haven City Hall, cheered on by family, friends, co-workers, elected officials and union and community leaders.
During his acceptance speech, Connecticut Democrat State Representative, Edwin Vargas, stated that the Communists in attendance were the “Hard Core” of the movement and followed that up with a quote from Communist mass-murderer, Che Guevara:
Rep. Edwin Vargas, who taught in the Hartford public schools for 35 years, serving as union president for part of that time, and in many national, state and local positions in union and Puerto Rican community organizations said that while he has received many awards, this one has special meaning because “this is an award from people who are the hard core of the movement.”
Quoting Che Guevara that “the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love,” Vargas elaborated on the fact that justice cannot be achieved without peace.This isn’t the first time New Haven’s Public School Board has allowed Communists to use their publicly funded high school auditoriums. In 2010 the CPUSA held their Amistad Awards at the James Hillhouse Public high school in New Haven where John Olson (Top Picture rear row) received an award.
Read more at The Bell News.
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