Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Chris Christie ahead in poll for the White House

Christie Pulls Ahead
Is Christie the GOP Messiah?  If an alliance of 
non-Marxists cannot win in the Blue States then the
election is over before it starts.

Yes it is too damn early to talk polls, but the polls have been taken.

In terms of polling, N.J. Governor Chris Christie has grabbed all the GOP love for president in 2016.
A new poll from ORC International for CNN shows that for the first time, Christie is leading in the preferential candidate list, pulling away from all other contenders by fully 7 percentage points.

That field of other candidates includes Rep. Paul Ryan — the significance being that Christie was tied with the Wisconsin lawmaker in a similar poll taken just a few weeks ago.
To yank the Presidency away from
the GOP, in 1884 Democrats turned
to another overweight Governor
from a swing state.

CNN said in September, Christie held 17 percent of favor among poll respondents deciding the best GOP presidential candidate, while Ryan held 16 percent.

  • 24%  -  Chris Christie
  • 13%  -  Rand Paul
  • 11%  -  Paul Ryan
  • 10%  -  Ted Cruz
  • 9%    -  Marco Rubio
  • 7%    -  Rick Perry
  • 6%    -  Jeb Bush

Other poll findings: Vice President Joseph R. Biden is the clear Democratic contender, if Hillary Clinton decides not to run reports CNN.

The survey, conducted Nov. 18 through 20, using 843 adult Americans, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent points. The poll also took a sampling, by political party.

Income levels skew support for Christie quite a bit, though. For instance, among Republicans earning more than $50,000 a year, Christie fares even better — with 32 percent support, the poll found.

Conversely, support falls for the candidate, in line with incomes.

“But among Republicans who make less than $50,000 a year, Christie’s support drops 19 points, only good enough for second place behind Paul,” said CNN polling director Keating Holland.

The Republicans are totally screwed.
It is all about the electoral college and the Republican Party has been kicked out of school.  It is in danger of being a permanent minority.
The crown jewel of the electoral college is California. Once Republican, the GOP has lost the Golden State to the radical Left.  And in the last two elections the GOP lost the key states of Ohio, Virginia and Florida to the Leftists.
The Right needs to find the correct candidate to break into the blue states and re-capture the White House.  Is it Christie?  Time will tell.  If the GOP fails you will soon see an all-Democrat Supreme Court ruling in favor of every leftist law and endless Executive Orders coming from the White House establishing a People's Republic.
Democrats Target New York
The Civil War ended Democrat control of the White House.  The Democrats had the solid South as a base but were being defeated in the GOP North.  To win the 1884 election Democrats turned to freshly elected New York Governor Grover Cleveland. 
With Cleveland at the top of the ticket the Democrats broke into the GOP controlled northern states taking Connecticut, Indiana, New York and the Presidency.  Will the GOP do the same in 2016?
See more at the Presidential election of 1884.

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