Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Geert Wilders speaks out for freedom while Google closes his email account

Geert Wilders Fighting for Freedom

If you watch only one video today make it this one by Geert Wilders.

Wilders dares to speak up for the right of the peoples of Europe to control their own lives without Socialist European Union centralized planning by unelected bureaucrats and against the Islamization of Europe.

CONGRESSO FEDERALE LEGA NORD 2013 Pres Partij voor de Vrijheid -- Geert Wilders

SPEECH IN ENGLISH (With Italian translation) 

By Eric Dondero: 
From The Libertarian Republican

Wow! Doesn't get any better than this. Geert Wilders, leader of the right-libertarian Party For Freedom in the Netherlands, delivers a speech to a gathering of right-libertarian parties across Western Europe, including Marine Le Pen's NF, Italy's Northern League, and the Freedom Party of Germany. 
Wilders blast open immigration inviting invading Muslim and North African immigrants into Western Europe.

"We are proud of who we are. We are proud of our identity. We are proud of our culture. And ladies and gentleman, you should never be ashamed to say you are a member of a culture that is based on Judaeo-Christian values, not on Islam."

Fuckin' love it! Geert! Geert!! Geert!!!


Google drops Wilders’ anti-Islam Gmail
Only politically correct, pro-Islam speech is allowed.

Google has deactivated the islamsticker@gmail Gmail account politician Geert Wilders was using to spread his anti-Islam stickers. The deactivation was probably prompted by the many complaints Wilders’ umpteenth anti-Islam initiative had prompted.

It was the politician himself who reported via Twitter on Boxing Day that his account had been closed. “Unbelievable; Google just blocked the account. It seems Mohammed Rabbae’s complaint was successful,” he tweeted. Rabbae had complained at Google that Wilders was abusing its service reports the NL Times.

His complaint –on behalf of the National Council of Moroccans- had been among many complaints that were lodged against Wilders after he came out with his anti-Island sticker a week ago; it read “Islam is a lie. Mohamed is a criminal. The Koran is poison.”

The politician claimed the sticker was not meant as an action against Muslims as the majority of people of this faith is not violent. He has since launched a new account where people may order his sticker.

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